Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Homeless in America - 825 Words

Beds for Everybody One of the major issues nationally is people who are becoming homeless and the fact that one third of the homeless population have served this country, which is around 195,000 veterans. Thats more than the death count of the Vietnam war. Most homeless people are male about three percent are women, most are single and come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Its a major issue, this is America there should not be thousands of people across this nation that are homeless especially our veterans. They gave their life to this country; I think in return we could at least keep them in a home somewhere. It wouldnt be so bad if their was actually enough shelters to occupy all of the people that are homeless but the ratio to†¦show more content†¦Every time I go downtown I see some man or woman just sleeping on the side of the road its depressing these people are crying out for help and we ignore them. How are we any better than them? Who are we to turn our back on those who have n o place to stay? This issue needs to be addressed and sometime in the near future. This is supposed to be the land of opportunity, so lets give these people an opportunity to have a place to get off the streets. I mean you never know what could happen tomorrow and you could end up on the streets. Wouldnt you want to know that you still have a place you can stay till you got back on your feet? I know I would, hopefully America can figure out some creative solution to this problem. If people in America stopped being so self-centered this country would be a lot better off than it is now. I guarantee that there wouldnt be this many people out on the streets cause people would actually have a concern about it instead of just looking at them like their some sort of animal tossed to the side of the road. America wake up and see the real world outside your fantasies. People need us in their time of need, learn to love your neighbor and lend a helping hand. Get over yourselves because nobody is better than anybody else we are all equal. Stop thinking about yourself and think about the veteran who thought about your freedom in this countrys time of need. MyShow MoreRelatedHomeless in America1684 Words   |  7 Pagesstreets of vast cities of United States. Less attention are shown to those who are homeless, people focus more on bigger issues when this is a major problem that has occurred for years. Statistics shows that 1.6 million youth run away from home each year between the ages of 12 and 17. The predominant race for runaways is White non-Hispanic (57%), Black non-Hispanic (17%), Hispanic (15%), and Other (11%) follow (Blaha). Homeless children most likely leave their original homes because of the way of life andRead MoreEssay on Homeless in America1648 Words   |  7 PagesHomeless in America Homelessness affects millions of Americans each year, with approximately one third of this population suffering from severe mental disorders. In Las Cruces we have a number of homeless people that have a mental disorder. Las Cruces does not provide the homeless mentally ill with sufficient services. it is necessary to provide them with support, protection, treatment, and rehabilitation. Although surveys have been conducted defending that mental illness does cause homelessnessRead MoreHomeless in America Essay1088 Words   |  5 Pageshomelessness in America is growing dramatically. Its a problem that can strike anyone when you least expect it. Therefore you should address this as a major crisis that affects our society. I feel as Americans we should come together to create solutions to end a growing epidemic of homeless people. Statistics show people living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless. Economically they are at a higher risk of losing what little they already have. The number of homeless families withRead MoreA Vulnerable Population: The Homeless in America919 Words   |  4 PagesA Vulnerable Population: The Homeless in America Introduction Homelessness in America should be a growing concern. When discussing the United States current economic crisis comparisons with the Great Depression are becoming more and more common. Tent cities or makeshift shelters in specified areas or just beyond city limits are becoming familiar sites across the country. Each of these cities contains dozens if not hundreds of families struggling to just survive (Maide, 2010). HomelessnessRead MoreAnalysis of the Homeless Family in America1728 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Homeless Family in America Introduction While homelessness may be an issue that is so far from the minds of the average American family, the truth remains that the current homelessness statistics in America suggest that the issue of homelessness is far more average than one could ever imagine. As of January 2012, The National Alliance to End Homelessness published a series of reports that listed the number of homeless Americans at 636,017 with a rate of homelessness at 21 homeless peopleRead MoreEssay on Homeless Women in America1099 Words   |  5 PagesHomeless Women in America   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Today in the U.S. there is a large percentage of people that are homeless. There are so many questions when one sees a homeless person, for example why doesn’t he or she get a job and get out of the streets? People that make comments like the one just made probably doesn’t really know anyone that is homeless so they do no understand what they go through. In the book â€Å" Tell Me Who I Am,’’ Elliot Liebow tries to explain what the cost and gains are for women livingRead MoreHomeless Population in America Essay2680 Words   |  11 PagesOne of the most prominent social issues is that of the homeless population. According to Korge Furst, 24 percent of the homeless population are severely mentally ill, 20 percent are physically disabled, 19 percent are employed, 14 percent are victims of domestic violence, 14 percent are veterans, while 3 percent are HIV positive (Chp. 2.4, 2012). Although there are numerous programs and policies to er adicate homelessness, we still see that the numbers continue to rise. Essentially, social theoriesRead MoreThe Homeless Veterans Wandering On The Streets Of America1465 Words   |  6 Pagesabout the homeless veterans wandering in the streets of America. All around America there is numerous homeless veterans who seek for a better way of life. They crave for jobs, food, and shelter. All they want in life is to live the American Dream, a dream full of opportunity and wealth. In 2013, Veteran Affairs had an estimation of 610,042 homeless people recorded in the United States, and over 394,698 of those homeless people were living in shelter homes. This means that 215,344 homeless people wereRead MoreEssay about Homeless Children In America1111 Words   |  5 PagesHomeless Children in America   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To be homeless is to not have a home or a permanent place of residence. Nationwide, there is estimated to be 3.5 million people that are homeless, and roughly 1.35 million of them are children. It is shown that homeless rates, which are the number of sheltered beds in a city divided by the cities population, have tripled since the 1980’s (National Coalition for Homeless, 2014). Worldwide, it is estimated that 100 million children live and work on the streets.Read MoreWhat America Is Doing About the Homeless4088 Words   |  17 Pagesnot even have to be their fault. For this reason exactly is why Americans should consider this a major crisis today. The amount of people becoming homeless in America is constantly growing. Although some people can get out of being homeless pretty quickly, more and more people are becoming homeless every day, and the more people that become homeless, the more people crowd the streets we live on. There is many different views on where these people should live such as on the street or in permanent

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Brief Look at Nikolai Gogol - 1070 Words

Nikolai Gogol has been crowned as the father of Russian Realism on various popular forums, and this titular position of his can be justified through the subtle balance his writing strikes between generic complexity and social responsibility. Gogol has consistently satirized bureaucracy and lamented the consequential dehumanization, The General Inspector and Dead Souls are known for their satirical critique of the Russian aristocratic mentality and character. This paper seeks to approach and appreciate The Nose and The Overcoat as presenting a severe condemnation of 19th century Russian bureaucracy as a hypocrite and suffocating state. They also demonstrate the meaninglessness, tragedy and injustice of so impersonal a society being inflicted upon its people. The Nose satirically portrays the ruptures and fissures in the society due to surfeit of aristocracy. Whereas The Overcoat charters the exploitation and degradation of an individual at the hands of beauraucratisation evoking a los s of identity, social invisibility, lack of creativity and encroachment of public into the private. In process of exploring the intensity of the pathological responses of policy makers creating an ‘accountability era of burgeoning bureaucracy’[1], I will be looking at the idea of bureaupathology as explored by Eugeine Samier in his study titled Corruption, Futility and Madness: Relating Gogol’s Portrayal to a Bureaupathology to an Accountability Era. The analysis will also include exploring theShow MoreRelatedPoor Liza Character in 20th Century Russian Literature Essay3143 Words   |  13 Pagesspecifically when she is saying good-bye to Erast and she says, â€Å"Oh! Why do I not know how to read or write!† (Karamzin, 89). And so, both women were undereducated for the role they had come to fill, a ruler and a worried-sick lover. Taking a closer look at Elizabeth’s and Liza’s personalities it becomes evident that they share commonalities. For instance, when Karamzin first introduces his Liza character, he says that, â€Å"to soothe her mother she tried to hide the grief in her heart and appear at easeRead MoreHistory of the Development of the Short Story.3660 Words   |  15 Pagestimes and nationalities have also been given for him. These ancient fables are today known as Aesops Fables. The other ancient form of short story, the anecdote, was popular under the Roman Empire. Anecdotes functioned as a sort of parable, a brief realistic narrative that embodies a point. Many surviving Roman anecdotes were collected in the 13th or 14th century as the Gesta Romanorum. Anecdotes remained popular in Europe well into the 18th century, when the fictional anecdotal letters of Sir

Friday, December 13, 2019

Night World Dark Angel Chapter 16 Free Essays

Gillian stood as if her snow-powdered body had been turned to ice. Because it was the worst, the absolute worst that she could possibly have imagined. He killed a kid. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 16 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"The little girl who disappeared a year ago,† she whispered. â€Å"On Hilkrest Road.† The one she’d thought of-completely irrationally-when she’d heard the crying. â€Å"I was doing a spell,† Gary said. â€Å"A strong one; I was a quick learner. It was a fire elemental spell-so I was out in the woods. In the snow, where nothing would burn. And then she showed up chasing her dog.† He was staring into the distance, his face dead white. Looking not haunting, but haunted. And Gillian knew he wasn’t with her at that moment; he was far away, with Paula. â€Å"They broke the circle. It all happened so fast. The fire was everywhere-just one white flash, like lightning. And then it was gone.† He paused. â€Å"The dog got away. But not her.† Gillian shut her eyes, trying not to imagine it. â€Å"Oh, God.† And then, as something twisted inside her, â€Å"Oh, Gary †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I put her body in my car. I was going to take her to the hospital. But she was dead. And I wasconfused. So finally I stopped the car. And I buried her in the snow.† â€Å"Gary†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I went home. Then I went to a party. That was the kind of guy I was, you see. A partyin’ guy. Everything was about good times and me, me, me. That was even what being a witch was about.† For the first time there was emotion in his voice, and Gillian recognized it. Self-hatred. â€Å"And at the party, I got really, really drunk.† Oh. Suddenly Gillian understood. â€Å"You never told anybody.† â€Å"On the way back home I wrapped my car around a tree. And that was it.† He laughed, but it wasn’t a laugh. â€Å"Suddenly I’m in Neverland. Can’t talk to anybody, can’t touch anybody, but sure can see everything. I watched the search for her, you know. They passed about a foot away from her body.† Gillian gulped and looked away. Something had twisted and broken inside her, some idea of justice that would never be put back together. But this was no time to think about that. It hadn’t really been his fault†¦ but what did that matter? You played the hand you got dealt. And Gary had played his badly. He’d started out with everything-good looks, obvious brains, and witch power enough to choke a horse-and he’d blown it. Didn’t matter. They had to go on from here. She looked up at him. â€Å"Gary, you have to tell me where she is.† Silence. â€Å"Gary, don’t you see? That’s your unfinished business. Her family doesn’t know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Gillian stopped and swallowed. When she went on, her voice wobbled. â€Å"Whether she’s alive or dead. Don’t you think they ought to know that?† A long pause. Then he said, like a stubborn child, â€Å"I don’t want to go anywhere.† Like a frightened child, Gillian thought. But she didn’t look away from him. â€Å"Gary, they deserve to know,† she said softly. â€Å"Once they’re at peace-â€Å" He almost shouted, â€Å"What if there isn’t any peace for me?† Not frightened, terrified. â€Å"What if there isn’t anywhere for me to go? What if they won’t take me?† Gillian shook her head. Her tears overflowed again. And she didn’t have any answers for him. â€Å"I don’t know. But it doesn’t change what we’ve got to do. I’ll stay with you, though, if you want. I’m your cousin, Gary.† Then, very quietly, she said, â€Å"Take me to her.† He stood for a long moment-the longest of Gillian’s life. He was looking at something in the night sky that she couldn’t see, and his eyes were utterly bleak. Then he looked at her and slowly nodded. â€Å"Here?† David bent and touched the snow. He looked up at Gillian. His dark eyes were young- a little scared. But his jaw was set. â€Å"Yes. Right there.† â€Å"It’s a pretty strange place to do it.† â€Å"I know. But we don’t have any choice.† David got to work with the shovel. Gillian pushed and mounded snow into walls. She tried to think only of how she’d done this in childhood, about how easy and interesting it had been then. She kept at it until David said, â€Å"I found her.† Gillian stepped back, brushing off her sleeves and mittens. It was a clear day, and the afternoon sun was brilliant in a cold blue sky. The small clearing was peaceful, almost a haven. Untouched except for a welt in the snow where a ground mouse had tunneled. Gillian took a couple of deep breaths, fists clenched, and then she turned to look. David hadn’t uncovered much. A scrap of charred red wool muffler. He was kneeling beside the shallow trench he’d made. Gillian was crying again. She ignored it. She said, â€Å"It was the last day before Christmas vacation, so we took the day off from school. We were playing hooky in the woods. We decided to make a snow fort†¦.† â€Å"And then we found the body.† David got up and gently put a hand on her elbow. â€Å"It’s a weird story, but it’s better than the truth.† â€Å"And what can they suspect us of? We never even knew Paula Belizer. They’ll know she was murdered because she was buried. But they won’t know how she died. They’ll think somebody tried to burn the body to get rid of it.† David put his arm around her waist, and she leaned into him. They stood that way for a few minutes, steadying each other. It was strange how natural that was, now. David had agreed to help her with all this without a moment’s hesitation†¦ and Gillian hadn’t been surprised. She’d expected it. He was her soulmate. They stood together. At last, he said quietly, â€Å"Ready?† â€Å"Yes.† As they left the clearing, David added even more quietly, â€Å"Is he here?† â€Å"No. I haven’t seen him since he showed me the place. He just-disappeared. He won’t talk to me either.† David held her tighter. Mr. Belizer came at dusk, after most of the police had left. It was almost too dark to see. David had been urging Gillian away for an hour. So had Gillian’s parents. They were there, both of them, huddling close and touching her whenever they could. David’s father and stepmother were on the other side of David. Yeah, Gillian thought. It’s been a rough last few days on everybody. But here they all were: David, pale but calm; Gillian, shaky but standing; the parents, bewildered but trying to cope. Not comprehending how their kids could have found so much trouble in such a short time. At least nobody seemed to suspect them of having hurt Paula Belizer. And now, here was Paula’s dad. Alone. Come to look at the last resting place of his daughter-even though the coroner had already taken his daughter away. The police let him go up to the clearing with a flashlight. Gillian tugged at David’s hand. He resisted a second, then let her tow him. Gillian heard murmurs as they went. What are you doing, following that poor man. My God, that’s- ghoulish. But none of the parents actually grabbed them to stop them. They ended up a little distance behind Mr. Belizer. Gillian moved to see his face. Now here was the thing. She didn’t know about spirits. She wasn’t sure what needed to be done to release Gary from the between-place. Did she need to talk to Paula’s dad? Explain that she had the feeling whoever had done it was sorry, even if they could never tell him themselves? It might get her locked up. Showing too much interest in a crime, too much knowledge. But, strangely, that didn’t scare her as much as she’d have thought. She was Gary’s cousin, and his debts were hers somehow. And things had to be put right. As she stood hesitating, Mr. Belizer fell to his knees in the trampled snow. Oh, God. That hurt. If strong arms hadn’t been holding Gillian up, she might have fallen, too. David held her and pressed his face into her hair. But Gillian kept looking at the kneeling man. He was crying. She’d never seen a man his age cry, and it hurt in a way that was scary. But there was something else in his face. Something like relief†¦ peace. Kneeling there, with his overcoat spread around him, Mr. Belizer said, â€Å"I know my daughter is in a better place. Whoever did this, I forgive them.† A shock like cold lightning went through Gillian, and then a spreading warmth. She was crying suddenly. Hard. Tears falling straight down from her eyes. But she was filled with a hope that seemed to lift her whole body. And then David drew in his breath sharply, and she realized he’d raised his head. He was staring at something above Mr. Belizer. Gary Fargeon was hovering there. like an Angel. He was crying. And saying something over and over. Gillian caught â€Å"-sorry, I’m so sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Forgiveness asked for and given. If not exactly in that order. That’s it, Gillian thought. Her knees began to tremble. David whispered huskily, â€Å"Can you see that, too?† â€Å"Yes. Can you?† Nobody else seemed to see it. Mr. Belizer was getting up now. He was walking past them, away. David was still staring. â€Å"So that’s what he looks like. No wonder you thought-â€Å" He didn’t finish, but Gillian knew. Thought he was an angel. But†¦ why was Gary still here? Wasn’t the forgiveness enough to release him? Or was there something else that needed to be done? Gary turned his head and looked at her. His cheeks were wet. â€Å"Come in a little farther,† he said. â€Å"I have to say something.† Gillian untangled from David, and then pulled at him. He came, jaw still sagging. They followed Gary past a thicket and into another clearing. As the trees and the darkness closed around them, they seemed suddenly far away from the police noise and bustle. Gillian guessed even as Gary sank down to face them. But she let him say it. â€Å"You have to forgive me, too.† â€Å"I forgive you,† Gillian said. â€Å"You have to be sure. I did some terrible things to you. I tried to warp you, damage your soul.† â€Å"I know,† Gillian said steadily. â€Å"But you did some good things, too. You helped me-grow up.† He’d helped her conquer her fears. Gain self-confidence. Discover her heritage. And find her soulmate. And he’d been close to her in a way that she would probably never be with anyone else ever again. â€Å"You know what?† Gillian was on the verge of tears again. â€Å"I’m going to miss you.† He stood facing her. He was shining just dimly. His eyes were dark and bruised looking, but his lips were smiling. And he was more beautiful than she had ever seen him. â€Å"Things are going to work out, you know,† he said softly. â€Å"For you. Your mom’s going to get better.† Gillian nodded. â€Å"I think so, too.† â€Å"And I checked on Tanya and Kim. They’re going to be all right. Tanya’s still got all her fingers.† â€Å"I know.† â€Å"You should go see Melusine. You could help them a lot with Circle Daybreak. And they can help you deal with the Night World.† â€Å"Yes. All right.† â€Å"And you might want to talk to Daryl at school. She’s got a secret that Kim was spreading rumors about last year. It’s that-â€Å" â€Å"And-Gary!† Gillian held up her hand. â€Å"I don’t want to know. Someday, if Daryl wants to tell me her secret, she can do it herself. But if not-okay. I have to deal on my own, now.† She’d already thought about school, all last night while she’d been lying alone in her room. Things were going to change, obviously. It was surprisingly easy to sort out which friends mattered. Amanda the Cheerleader and Steffi the Singer and J.Z. the Model were all right. No better and no worse than any of the less popular girls. She wouldn’t mind if they still liked her. Daryl-who was not Daryl the Rich Girl anymore, but just Daryl-was better than all right. The sort that might turn out to be a real friend. And of course there was Amy. She owed Amy a lot. As for the others-Tanya and Kim and Cory and Bruce and Macon-Gillian didn’t really want to know them. If she never went to another Popular Party, that was fine. â€Å"And I don’t want to know if J.Z. really tried to kill herself, either,† she said now. Gary shut his mouth. Then his eyes actually seemed to twinkle. â€Å"You’re going to do all right.† And then, for the first time, he looked at David. They stared at each other for a moment. Not hostile. Just looking. When Gary turned back to Gillian he said very quietly, â€Å"One last thing. I didn’t change my mind about killing him because I couldn’t go through with it. I did it because I didn’t want you to hate me forever.† Oh. Gillian put out her hand. So did he. Their fingers were close together, blurring into each other†¦ but they couldn’t touch. They never would. And then suddenly, Gary looked startled. He turned to look up and behind him. At the dark, starlit sky. Gillian couldn’t see anything. But she could feel something. A sort of rushing. Something was coming. And Gary was lifted toward it like a leaf on the wind. His hand was still stretched toward her, but he was in the air. Weightless. Bobbing. And as Gillian watched, his startled expression melted into something like awe. And then joy. Joy and†¦ recognition. â€Å"I’ve got to go,† he said wonderingly. Gillian was staring at the sky. She still couldn’t see anything. Not the tunnel, not the meadow. Did he mean he had to go to the between-place? And then she saw the light. It was the color of sunlight on snow. That brilliant, but not painful to look at. It seemed to shimmer with every color in the universe, but all together the colors made white. â€Å"Gary-â€Å" But something was happening. He was moving without moving. Rushing away in some direction she couldn’t point to. Getting smaller. Fading. She was losing him. â€Å"Goodbye, Gary,† she whispered. And the light was going, too. But just before it went, it seemed to take on a shape. It looked something like huge white wings enfolding him. For the briefest instant, Gillian felt enfolded, too. By power and peace†¦ and love. And then the light was gone. Gary was gone. And everything was still. â€Å"Did you see that?† Gillian whispered through the ache in her throat. â€Å"I think so.† David was staring, his eyes big with awe and wonder. â€Å"Maybe†¦ some angels are real.† He was still staring upward. Then he drew in his breath. â€Å"Look! The stars-â€Å" But it wasn’t stars, although it looked like star-dust. Crystalline points of light, frozen beauty sifting down. The air was full of it. â€Å"But there aren’t any clouds†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"There are now,† David said. Even as he said it, the stars were covered. Gillian felt a cool touch on her cheek. Like a kiss. And it was ordinary snow, just an ordinary miracle. She and David stood hand in hand, watching it fall like a blessing in the night. [The End] How to cite Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 16, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Food Nutrition For Different Life Stages-

Question: Discuss about theFood Nutrition For Different Life Stages. Answer: Eating healthy is vital to children, adolescents, young adults, and old people. As the emphasis is on choosing healthy foods and being healthy, it is equally important to make eating a sociable and enjoyable activity that we look forward to. A research conducted by the World Health Organization (2015) on the Australian nutrition status indicates that most old people in Australia take poor diets, do not take enough minerals and vitamins, and not eat sufficient fiber. It is evident that when the body does not get the essential nutrients, the health of the body becomes questionable. In order to adopt a good lifestyle, a proper diet should be combined with regular activity, which can include dancing, swimming, and walk. Exercises are essential for the functioning of the heart, improve blood pressure, and strengthen the bones. The essay will begin by discussing the key findings on the consequences of not eating healthy especially among the elderly persons. Further, the essay will discuss on some of the healthy eating methods. All this will be supported by the relevant literature. Aging is associated with changes in the lifestyle of an individual, which affects the type, and nature of the foods consumed. Worrying, depression, boredom, and loneliness about what the future holds can make some people neglect their diets. Unfortunately, such issues can make an individual skip meal and in general develop poor eating habits. It is imperative to address these issues and design strategies to improve diet intake, even if it means requesting family and friends to intervene. Most of the elderly persons do not eat healthy leading to health complications. Some of the research findings of the health complications are discussed below. Fragile and weak bones are common among the elderly. These are caused by a decline in the mineral in the bone which causes osteoporosis a condition that normally affects the elderly population particularly women after they reach menopause. When an individual suffers from this condition, calcium is removed from the bones making the bones fragile increasing the risk of fracture and dislocation. The most common fractures involve the wrist, legs, and hips, which can turn out to be detrimental. Calcium is difficult to replace once it is lost from the bones. However, there are ways the elderly can use to prevent the progression of the osteoporosis. Some of the ways include diets rich in calcium, exercises, and sunshine. However, fluoride, calcium, and vitamin D are the key nutrients to keep the bones strong and healthy. The foods that are rich in calcium include milk and milk products like cheese and yogurt. In addition, fish with edible bones like sardines and salmon can form a good sourc e of calcium for the bones (Nemecek and Jungbluth 2016). Foods that do not include cheese and milk contain less calcium than the one recommended which is 800mg for men and 1000mg for women above 55 years (World Health Organization 2015). Further, fat-modified foods like a skimmer or skim milk are a suitable diet alternative for those who wish to take low fats. For the individual who does not take dairy products, a calcium supplement can be a good alternative but it is advisable to consult the doctor before making such decisions. Vitamin D from the sunshine is equally essential for the body as it helps vitamins reach the bones. For the individuals with skin cancer or those that are advised by their doctor not to spend their time in the sun, they should take foods rich in vitamin D. Some of the foods that are rich in vitamin D include egg yolk, table margarine, butter, whole milk, liver, tuna, lambs fry, and cheese. Safe vitamin D supplement is also recommended but after proper consultation with the pharmacist. Older people In Australia have Arthritis. For the individuals suffering from arthritis, eating a variety of healthy foods is recommended and it is important in maintaining a good body weight. Overweight or too much weight can exacerbate in weight- bearing joint bones. A research conducted by Nemecek and Jungbluth (2016) indicate that rheumatoid arthritis can easily be treated by fish oils. Therefore, it is imperative for the elderly persons to eat fish frequently in order to reduce chances of getting arthritis. High Blood Pressure; Most Australians are suffering from high blood pressure. The risk or chances of acquiring high blood pressure increases as individuals age and those individuals suffering from this condition at a higher risk of sustaining a stroke or developing cardiovascular diseases. Some of the major contributing factor to the increased cases f high blood pressure is the issue of high salt intake, overweight, and lack of exercises. Most of the people who are already suffering from high blood pressure are advised to avoid salts in cooking and in the table and to avoid foods that are highly salted. In general, the Australian populations are being advised to eat foods that have less salt in order to reduce high blood pressure cases in the society (Saarinen, Fogelholm, Tahvonen and Kurppa 2017). Chances of developing unhealthy gums and teeth increase with age. Having healthy gums and teeth is imperative for the general body health. The majority of the older people suffer teeth loss. It is important for people especially the elderly to visit dentists to have their teeth examined regularly to avoid gum diseases and teeth loss. Healthy gums and teeth are essential in making the foods we take enjoyable; hence, it is important for individuals to visit dentists in order to ensure the health of the gum and teeth (Smetana, Tamasy, Mathys and Heinz 2017). Constipation is common among the elderly people. Constipation cases are common among older people. In order to prevent constipation, it is important to have foods that are rich in fiber. Some of the foods that are high in fiber include wholemeal bread, cereals, fruits, dried peas, dried fruits, lentils, and beans. Therefore, it is essential for the elderly to eat healthy in order to minimize the health complications associated with unhealthy eating; some of the healthy habits discussed below are helpful (Mahan and Raymond 2016). Reduce the amount of salt Intake. Another name for salt is sodium chloride. A certain amount of sodium chloride is good for the body; however, the sodium we get from foods like eggs, meat, vegetables, and eggs is sufficient for the body. High salt intake increases the chances of developing high pressure and many other heart-related diseases that are common in Australia. A research conducted by Langley?Evans (2015) indicate that roughly half of Australians aged above 60 are suffering from high blood pressure, this are shocking statistics and something needs to be done to reduce this number, for instance, people should use spices and hears to flavor their foods instead of using salt. Just like any other Australian, old people should limit their salt intake and should avoid salted foods like bacon, corned beef, and potato chips. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the amount of salt intake and only take those manufactured foods that are low in salts. Drink a lot of Water. Drinking a lot of water is vital for the body. Water is important as it keeps the body hydrated. Nonetheless, as an individual age, the urge of feeling thirsty disappears even after the body needs lots of fluids. In this case, it is essential for older people to take a lot of water for a proper body functioning. Moreover, it is okay to drink milk or fruit juice as an alternative to tea, soda, and coffee as it substantially counts towards daily fluid intake (Keoleian, and Willett 2013). Reduce the Consumption of fatty foods. Pastries, pies, battered and fried foods, chocolates, and fried potato chips are high in fats, hence should be taken occasionally. In cases of a desert, foods like yogurts, fruits, ice cream, and custard are ideal as they have reduced fat and have low-fat varieties. Another ideal dessert is rice with dried fruits and a little bit milk with sugar is a healthy and delicious dessert (Hosking, Pasco, Hyde, Williams 2016). Minimize Alcohol Intake. Alcohol provides the body with energy in form of calories or kilojoules but it does not provide the essential vitamins and nutrients that protect the body. The calories that alcohol provides only add to the daily energy intake. However, consuming a small amount with the main meal can make the meal enjoyable but it should not replace the actual food, which provides the body essential vitamins and nutrients (Garnett 2014). Vitamins are essential for the body. Vitamins should be derived from the foods we eat. It is not advisable for us to take poor diets but replace it with vitamin supplements. In cases where you are not able to eat or recuperating, there are healthy ways that we can use to keep the diet nutritious and healthy, for instance, taking milk, eggs, vegetable soup, and fruit juice is nutritious foods that are easily digestible. However, in cases where an individual decides to use vitamins supplements, it is advisable for low dose multivitamin to be used, as the large dosages of vitamins can be harmful (Corrado, Ardente, Sala and Saouter 2017). In conclusion, being healthy and living healthy is important for a quality life. In this case, taking healthy diets is essential in maintaining good health as an individual age. Further, healthy eating is important in all the stages of life. However, most Australians especially those from low-income households do not eat healthy which exposes them to some of the health style conditions like high blood pressure, arthritis just to mention a few. The older population that is at a high risk of developing lifestyle diseases, this is because of avoidable and unavoidable conditions. However, it is important for individuals in any stage of life whether children, adolescents, young adults, and the elderly to adopt healthy eating habits in order to improve their health status. 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