Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Brief Look at Nikolai Gogol - 1070 Words

Nikolai Gogol has been crowned as the father of Russian Realism on various popular forums, and this titular position of his can be justified through the subtle balance his writing strikes between generic complexity and social responsibility. Gogol has consistently satirized bureaucracy and lamented the consequential dehumanization, The General Inspector and Dead Souls are known for their satirical critique of the Russian aristocratic mentality and character. This paper seeks to approach and appreciate The Nose and The Overcoat as presenting a severe condemnation of 19th century Russian bureaucracy as a hypocrite and suffocating state. They also demonstrate the meaninglessness, tragedy and injustice of so impersonal a society being inflicted upon its people. The Nose satirically portrays the ruptures and fissures in the society due to surfeit of aristocracy. Whereas The Overcoat charters the exploitation and degradation of an individual at the hands of beauraucratisation evoking a los s of identity, social invisibility, lack of creativity and encroachment of public into the private. In process of exploring the intensity of the pathological responses of policy makers creating an ‘accountability era of burgeoning bureaucracy’[1], I will be looking at the idea of bureaupathology as explored by Eugeine Samier in his study titled Corruption, Futility and Madness: Relating Gogol’s Portrayal to a Bureaupathology to an Accountability Era. The analysis will also include exploring theShow MoreRelatedPoor Liza Character in 20th Century Russian Literature Essay3143 Words   |  13 Pagesspecifically when she is saying good-bye to Erast and she says, â€Å"Oh! Why do I not know how to read or write!† (Karamzin, 89). And so, both women were undereducated for the role they had come to fill, a ruler and a worried-sick lover. Taking a closer look at Elizabeth’s and Liza’s personalities it becomes evident that they share commonalities. For instance, when Karamzin first introduces his Liza character, he says that, â€Å"to soothe her mother she tried to hide the grief in her heart and appear at easeRead MoreHistory of the Development of the Short Story.3660 Words   |  15 Pagestimes and nationalities have also been given for him. These ancient fables are today known as Aesops Fables. The other ancient form of short story, the anecdote, was popular under the Roman Empire. Anecdotes functioned as a sort of parable, a brief realistic narrative that embodies a point. Many surviving Roman anecdotes were collected in the 13th or 14th century as the Gesta Romanorum. Anecdotes remained popular in Europe well into the 18th century, when the fictional anecdotal letters of Sir

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