Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hamlets Problem Essay Example For Students

Hamlets Problem Essay In the play Hamlet, Hamlet is described as daring, brave, loyal, and intelligent, but he is consumed by his own thoughts. Hamlets inability to act on his fathers murder, his mothers marriage, and his uncle assuming of the thrown are all evidence that Hamlet doesnt know what is going on in his own life. Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder, demands the ghost in (Act I, Scene 5, line 23). The fact that his own uncle could kill his father leaves Hamlet crazy and confused. Although Hamlet knows something is wrong in Denmark, he begins to question everything that the ghost has told him. When something is needed to be done, Hamlet is to busy thinking about his problems. An example of this is when Hamlet has his knife over the head of Claudius, and is prepared to murder him. He talks himself out of it. Instead, Hamlet writes a play in which the actors play out the same story that the ghost told Hamlet. His plan is to study Claudiuss reaction to the play to determine his guilt. Even after Hamlet decides his uncle is guilty, he doesnt do anything.This would have been a great time to confront Claudius, but Hamlet seems more interested in taking credit for what he did instead of seeking revenge. Throughout the play Hamlet is deeply hurt by his mothers decision to remarry his uncle. As Hamlet says, Frailty thy name is woman, her actions cause Hamlet to curse women all together (Act 1, Scene 2, Line 146). In the first Act, Claudius and Gertrude question Hamlets depression. They push Hamlet to accept his fathers death and move on with his life. While Hamlet should admit his hatred of their marriage, he hides his feeling. While Hamlet is holding back his feelings, he becomes more angered at their attempts to calm him. Gertrude is also aware of Hamlets feelings for Ophelia and uses this as an excuse for Hamlets actions. Hamlet has plenty of time to confess the cause of his madness. Unfortunately, Hamlet allows his mother to think he is madly in love rather than tell the truth. After Hamlet delivers his play and sees guilt in his uncle, Gertrude sends for Hamlet. Instead of hurting his mother, he insists on her to tell him the truth. If Hamlet wouldnt have taken so long, her confe ssion could have taken place earlier in the play. This could save him from a great deal of pain and leave his thoughts for other problems. Hamlets biggest obstacle in getting even with his fathers murder is Claudius being crowned king. With Claudius being in such a powerful position, Hamlet has to be careful with what he does. Hamlet not only has to kill his fathers murderer, but the king as well. The church was against the wedding from the start and would side with Hamlet. Instead of Hamlet disapproving his mothers wedding and the crowning of his uncle, he was silent.During the play, Claudius yells, â€Å"Give me some light. Away† and Hamlet was sure of his uncles guilt (Act III, Scene 2, Line 152). This was the perfect time for Hamlet to face Claudius. The king was in a venerable state and could have been easily dethroned. Unfortunately, Hamlet decides to speak to his mother instead, thus putting Hamlet in an emotional state of mind and giving Claudius time to re-think his options. Although Hamlet seemed to be superior in all other characteristics, his one flaw cost him his life.Without doubt, it cost the lives of many others as well. If Hamlet could have taken immediate action, many deaths could have been avoided. Although Hamlet succeeds in his quest for revenge, his procrastination proves to be his flaw in every event.

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